Or the conference call host who lets the conversation ramble, without any thought of an agenda. 或者是没有议程概念的电话会议主持人,让会议的方向像没头苍蝇一样到处乱撞。
That is why the theme of this year's BFA annual conference-Inclusive Development: Common Agenda& New Challenges-is so relevant. The people of Asia have a shared mission to promote common development and build a harmonious Asia. 本次年会以包容性发展:共同议程与全新挑战为主题,具有重要意义。推动共同发展,共建和谐亚洲,这是时代赋予亚洲人民的共同使命。
This is the message that we must take to the Third International Conference on SIDS, scheduled for September 2014 in Samoa, which should guide the adoption of a more sustainable and equitable global development agenda. 这就是我们向9月份在萨摩亚召开的第三届小岛屿发展中国家问题国际会议传递的信息。此次会议将指导通过一项更加可持续和公正的全球发展议程。
At Davos there is the external agenda, which is really just the mainstream events at the conference that everyone goes to, but then there is a more informal agenda which is a lot of breakfasts and drinks and things. 达沃斯论坛有一个公开的议程,也就是会议期间人人都去参加的主要活动,同时它也有一个较为非正式的议程,包括各种早餐会、酒会和其他活动。
Conference president, Sheikh Abdullah bin HAMA al-Attiyah, reminded delegates in the cavernous Doha national convention center that the agenda for the two-week meeting is ambitious and challenging. 会议主席谢赫阿卜杜拉本哈玛阿提亚提醒在多哈国家会议中心的代表们,为期两周的会议议程既充满了雄心壮志又充满了挑战。
What we are discussing here at the Zhuhai conference is a logical part of that sequence, and perhaps we will soon be referring to it as the Monterey-Doha-Johannesburg-Zhuhai, or MDJ-Z, agenda. 我们在珠海大会上的讨论是这个进程的必要组成部分,我们也许不久就会将其称之为蒙特雷-多哈-约翰内斯堡-珠海议程或者MDJ-Z议程。
An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care. 会议议程上的一项重要议题是婴儿保健。
Available Service for a Business Conference We especially offer the following services to facilitate our clients meeting agenda. 为了方便客户顺利完成会议日程,我们特为您提供以下服务内容。
The conference provides a critical opportunity for scientists, clinicians, advocates, policymakers and community members to learn from each other and create a vibrant, needs-based research agenda. 该会议为科学家、临床医生、倡导者、决策者和社区成员相互学习并创立一个强有力的、以需求为基础的研究议程提供了关键机会。
Focused on protecting children's health in a changing environment, the conference will drive Europe's agenda on emerging environmental health challenges. 该会议将推动关于新出现的环境卫生挑战的欧洲议程,重点关注在复杂多变的环境中保护儿童健康问题。
A: On Tuesday's press conference, I briefed you on the4th round of the China-Japan Strategic Dialogue, including its agenda. 答:我在前天的记者会上已介绍了有关第四轮中日战略对话的情况和议题。
At the conference, members endorsed an action plan known as the "Agenda 21", which provided a layout plan for the adoption of countries all over the world for their development in the 21st Century. 会议通过了一份「二十一世纪议程」的行动方案,为世界各国提供一个迈向二十一世纪的发展蓝本。
After the Stockholm United Nations Conference held in 1972, environment was put on the agenda by governments, environmental non-government organizations ( ENGOs) were greatly encouraged, from then on, environment movement developed fast. 1972年,联合国斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议召开,各国政府将环境问题提上议程,民间环保组织受到极大的鼓舞,自此环境运动此起彼伏、蔚为大观。
The problem of Conference preparation includes conference theme, topic, name, place, time, participants, agenda, schedule, budgets and so on. 会议筹备问题主要涉及会议主题、议题名称、会议时间、地点、与会人员、议程、日程及经费预算等内容。
And the sponsors of the conference transmit all kind of information to the participants and non participants through each of the agenda. 世界客属恳亲大会的主办者通过大会的每一个议程都在向参会者和未参会者传递着各种信息。
In this urgent global climate situation, we are especially concerned about one of the major initiators CO2. In December 2009 in the Danish capital Copenhagen, the World Climate Conference brought more issues about carbon emissions into its agenda. 在全球气候问题愈演愈烈的情况下,对于重要的始作俑者CO2,大家都格外关注,2009年12月在丹麦首都召开的哥本哈根世界气候大会更是把碳减排问题提上议事日程。
Global climate change is increasingly becoming a topic of common concern, since the first World Climate Conference in 1979, the first time climate change as a cause of concern to the international community to put on the agenda of questions. 气候变化日益成为全球共同关注的话题,自1979年第一次世界气候大会上,气候变化首次作为一个引起国际社会关注的问题提上议程。
In 1992, the World Conference on Environment and Development provided a platform for solving the contradictions in development process by negotiations, the subscription of Rio Declaration and Agenda 21 developed a framework of sustainable development for countries. 1992年世界环境与发展大会提供了人类通过协商解决发展矛盾的平台,《里约宣言》以及《21世纪议程》的签署为各国可持续发展制定出框架。